Live stakes

A live stake is a cutting from a branch of a plant that will easily root when inserted into the soil. The types of plants that are used include Willow, Dogwood, Poplar and elderberry. These stakes are cut at both ends and have most of the branching removed.  We offer 3 sizes 50cm x 10mm, 75cm x 12mm, 100cm x 15mm. We can quote you on whatever specs you have.

We normally supply the landscape and nursery industry with the products we sell. The cuttings are then installed by professionals for streamside reparation, bank stabilization and wetland plantings. They are pushed in the ground more than half the length of the stake to maximize rooting potential and take advantage of moisture in the lower regions of the soil.

Live Stakes


Willow rods can be used for creating an instant fence or barrier by pushing 200-300cm stems into the ground in a line. These are normally spaced about 6" apart and are held steady from winds etc in the first year or so by a wire or wooden structure. Once established the supporting structure is removed and the willow fence will stand on its own. These willow rods can also be manipulated into play structures, tunnels, etc. The options are unlimited.


Fascines (also called Wattles) are defined as a tied bundle of branches. Many of the quotes and jobs that we have done call for 200-250cm length bundles that range in size from 15-30cm diameter. These bundles are tied with sisal in 5 spots along the length of the fascine. These bundles are normally secured along stream banks with heavy live stakes and covered with soil and left to root and thus stabilize the stream bank.

The fascines can be made up of a variety of different size and types of branches depending on the requirements of the job. A typical fascine would be 20 cm diameter by 200cm with a mix of dogwood and willow varieties.

Many of the specs for fascines and live stakes used in naturalization of wetlands most often call for native plant material.


Curly Willow

Salix Nigra

Black Willow

Salix Petiolaris

Slender Willow

Salix Purpurea

Purple Osier Willow

Sambucus Canadensis



We generally only supply the cuttings when the plants are dormant so early spring and late fall tends to be the time for planting. Live stakes pushed into the ground in the fall will stay dormant till spring when they start rooting.


We require a couple of days’ notice for small orders of 1000 stakes or more but the more notice the better for everyone to ensure availability. Large spring orders would be needed before April so that we don't cut the required shrubs to the ground.

We require a minimum $50.00 order which can be shipped at your cost from our facility by Courier. Shipping would have to be arranged for large orders of fencing or fascines

Cornus Amomum

Silky Dogwood

Cornus Sericea

Red Osier Dogwood

Salix Bebbiana

Bebbs Willow

Salix Cordata

Heartleaf Willow

Salix Eriocephala

Missouri Willow

Salix Exigua

Sandbar Willow

Salix Lucida

Shining Willow

Salix Matsudana

Curly Willow